VBC Draw Tourney’s!?

Draw tournaments… What can I say? There is something about them that I just love!

I’ve always enjoyed getting people together for a good time (as oddly hard as that can be sometimes), but a draw tournament accomplishes that every single time! Upon arrival, you can see the people who have played together 100 times laughing and catching up and you also see the people who do not know a single soul in the building. The newbies: For the 1st 10 minutes or so they are standing alone, usually uncomfortably not speaking with anyone. Just a couple minutes later they are placed on a team, laughing, chatting, & coming up with the gameplan! And then, without even realizing it, they are making new friendships! Volleyball forces communication, well… if you want to work well with your team it forces communication. Haha!

You get it all in a draw…! Teams you love, teams you… well… don’t! But, the good news is – with each team you get placed on, you meet new people wanting to have fun & with a similar passion for the game.

How many times do you switch teams? In the Volleyball Crawl Draw tournaments, you typically switch teams 3 times. See this link for all the details on the Feb. 22, 2019 Draw Tourney page: http://volleyballcrawl.com/about/tourneys-upcoming/elitesportsplex-coed-4s-draw-tourney-2-22-2019/

Beginner at Volleyball? Is a draw right for me? Not necessarily. If you are a beginner, we would suggest drop-in volleyball first. There are players at draw tournaments who hit hard. Remember, this is a tournament, people are trying to win…! Drop-in volleyball is a great place to learn the rules and how teams typically play. This site will tell you some of the known drop-in volleyball locations: http://volleyballcrawl.com/about/indoor-drop-in-volleyball-locations/

Draw Tourney player skill level? Varied from intermediate to competitive. That’s the fun! All players are expected to know the basic volleyball rules (as posted on the tournaments). During gameplay, teams are expected to call the rules based on the individual player’s skill set. Comp players are held to the rules strictly, intermediate players are held to the rules lightly. Unless its a rule pertaining to safety (enforced 100% to all).

Picked teams or random? 100% random draws at all Volleyball Crawl tourneys. Your first team may be all higher level competitive players, your second team could be all intermediate players & your last team could be a mix! You never know, but what is for sure…? You will meet some awesome new people & hopefully life long friends all while having a blast.

Types of players? You get them all! From the player ready to have a good time without chasing the prize money to the player looking to win the gold!! Just come expecting to play with both and bring your good attitude looking for fun!

It’s AMAZING how many volleyball players there are in this area… seriously, thousands! I can now say that I’ve met thousands of people that I am so happy to call my friends! So, come on out, join the fun & soon you will join me in asking the famous question: “What’s the date for the next Draw Tourney?” 

Well, here ya go:

Looking forward to seeing you on the court! 🙂

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